Apr 19, 2005
James R. Angelos
Department of Mathematics

I.  Personal

Office: Pearce 201G
Phone: (517) 774-4412
E-mail: james.angelos@cmich.edu Education
Ph. D. Mathematics: June 1982, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana
Attended: Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, August 1980 to May 1981
M. S. Mathematics: June 1978, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana
B. S. Mathematics: December 1975, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota
My specialization is in approximation theory, which was my dissertation topic. In recent years I have worked in applied numerical analysis, discrete dynamical systems, matrix theory, and polymer rheology. I have also done work in the developing curriculum of calculus reform. Employment History
Professor August 1993 to present, Central Michigan University
Associate Professor August 1987 to August 1993, Central Michigan University
Visiting Associate Professor August 1988 to June 1989, Western Michigan University
Assistant Professor August 1982 to August 1987, Central Michigan University
Graduate Teaching Assistant:March 1976 - August 1980, September 1981 - June 1982
    Montana State University
Graduate Teaching Assistant August 1980 to May 1981, Oakland University Teaching Experience
Elementary Algebra College Algebra Discrete Mathematics
Trigonometry Precalculus Calculus
Introduction to Statistics Linear Algebra Differential Equations
Numerical Analysis Applied Mathematics Advanced Calculus
Optimization Theory Real Variables Theoretical Numerical Analysis
Mathematical Statistics Point-Set Topology
Creative and Scholarly Activity

A.  Research Publications

  1. J. R. Angelos and D. Schmidt, Some remarks on product approximations, in Multivariate Approximation Theory, (W. Schemp and K. Zeller, Eds), 27-35, Birkhäuser, Berlin, 1982.

  2. J. R. Angelos and D. Schmidt, Strong uniqueness in L1(X,S,m), in Approximation Theory IV, (C. Chui, L. Schumaker, and J. Ward, Eds), 297-302, Academic Press, New York, 1983.

  3. J. R. Angelos and A. Egger, Strong uniqueness in Lp spaces, J. Approx. Theory, 42(1984), 14-26.

  4. J. R. Angelos, M. S. Henry, E. H. Kaufman, Jr., and T. D. Lenker, Local Lipschitz constants, J. Approx. Theory, 43(1985), 53-63.

  5. J. R. Angelos, M. S. Henry, E. H. Kaufman, Jr., A. Kroó, and T. D. Lenker, On the continuity and differentiability of the best approximation operator, Colloquia Mathematica Societatis János Bolyai, 49, Alfred Haar Memorial Conference, (J. Szabados and K. Tandori, eds.), 127-144, North-Holland Publishing Company, New York, 1985.

  6. J. R. Angelos and A. Kroó, The equivalence of the moduli of continuity of the best approximation operator and strong unicity in L1, J. Approx. Theory, 46 (1986), 129-136.

  7. J. R. Angelos, M. S. Henry, E. H. Kaufman, Jr., A. Kroó, and T. D. Lenker, Local and global Lipschitz constants, J. Approx. Theory, 46(1986), 137-156.

  8. J. R. Angelos, M. S. Henry, E. H. Kaufman, Jr., A. Kroó, and T. D. Lenker, Local Lipschitz and strong unicity constants for certain nonlinear families, in Approximation Theory V, (C. Chui, L. Schumaker, and J. Ward, Eds.), 239-242, Academic Press, New York, 1986.

  9. J. R. Angelos, M. S. Henry, E. H. Kaufman, Jr., and T. D. Lenker, Extended Lipschitz constants, in Approximation Theory V, (C. Chui, L. Schumaker, J. Ward, Eds.), 243-246, Academic Press, New York, 1986.

  10. J. R. Angelos and D. Schmidt, The prevalence of strong uniqueness in L1, Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar., 52(1988), 83-90.

  11. J. R. Angelos, M. S. Henry, E. H. Kaufman, Jr., and T. D. Lenker, Optimal nodes for polynomial interpolation, in Approximation Theory VI, (C. K. Chui, L. L. Schumaker, J. D. Ward Eds.),17-20, Academic Press, New York, 1989

  12. J. R. Angelos, M. S. Henry, E. H. Kaufman, Jr., A. Kroó, and T. D. Lenker, Local Lipschitz and strong unicity constants for certain nonlinear families, J. Approx. Theory, 58(1989) 164-183.

  13. J. R. Angelos, M. S. Henry, E. H. Kaufman, Jr., and T. D. Lenker, Bounds for extended Lipschitz constants, Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar., 58(1991) 81-93.

  14. J. R. Angelos, C. M.-S. Lee, K. P. Singh, B-spline approximation for the baseline hazard function, Evironmetrics, 2 (1991) 323-330.

  15. J. R. Angelos, C. C. Cowen, S. K. Narayan, Triangular truncation and finding the norm of a Hadamard multiplier, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 170 (1992), 117-135.

  16. J. R. Angelos, G. Grossman, and L. Rakesh, Oldroyd's viscosity result extended to circular disc particles dispersed in Newtonian fluids, Macromolecules, 25 (1992), 6475-6479.

  17. J. R. Angelos, S. Chowdhury, G. Grossman, K. Nichols, and L. Rakesh, A Study of Dynamic Behavior of Polycarbonate Melt With and Without Fillers, Included in the proceedings of Symposium on Developments in Non-Newtonian Flows I, Winter Meeting of American Society of Mechanical Engineers in New Orleans, Louisiana, November 29-December 3, 1993.

  18. J. R. Angelos,L. Rakesh, M. Butler, G. Grossman, and S. Hirschi, Using the Modified Haake Rotovisco RV 21 to Assess Electrorheological Properties, Included in the proceedings of Symposium of Electrorheological Fluids, American Society of Mechanical Engineers in Chicago, Illinois, November 6-11, 1994.

  19. J. R. Angelos, G. Grossman, and L. Rakesh, Boundary Layer Analysis of Wall Slip, Included in the proceedings of Symposium on Non-Newtonian Flows, American Society of Mechanical Engineers in New Orleans, Louisiana, November 29-December 3, 1993.

  20. J. R. Angelos, G. Grossman, Y. Ionin, E. Kaufman, T. Lenker, and L. Rakesh, Packability of Five Spheres on a Sphere Implies Packability of Six, The American Mathematical Monthly, 103, (1996) 894-896.

  21. J. R. Angelos, G. Grossman, E. Kaufman, T. Lenker, and L. Rakesh, Limit Cycles for Successive Projections on Hyperplanes in IRn, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 285, (1998) 201-228.

  22. Z. Al-Sharawi, J. R. Angelos, S. Elaydi, L. Rakesh, An extension of Sharkovsky's theorem to periodic difference equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, to appear.

B.  Other Publications

  1. Graphing Calculator Supplement for Algebra and Trigonometry, Second Edition by T. H. Hungerford and R. Mercer, Saunders College Publishing, 1991.

  2. Solving Algebra & Trigonometry Problems with the aid of Graphing Calculators, a supplement to Algebra & Trigonometry, Second Edition, by S. Grossman, Saunders College Publishing, 1992.

  3. Graphing calculator exercises and Appendix V for Calculus, Third Edition, by D. Berkey and P. Blanchard, Saunders College Publishing, 1992.

C.  Presentations

  1. J. R. Angelos and A. Egger, "Strong Unicity in Lp Spaces," Approximation Theory Workshop, Montana State,University, August 8, 1981.

  2. J. R. Angelos, and D. Schmidt, "Strong Uniqueness in L1(X, S,m)," Fourth International Symposium on Approximation Theory, Texas A & M University, January 12, 1983.

  3. J. R. Angelos and A. Egger, "Strong Uniqueness in Lp- Approximation," Mathematics Colloquium, Katolische Universität Eichstätt, Eichstätt, West Germany, June 15, 1983.

  4. J. R. Angelos, M. Henry, E. Kaufman, A. Kroó, T. Lenker, "On the Continuity and Differentiability of the Best Approximation Operator," Alfred Haar Memorial Conference, Budapest, Hungary, August 12, 1985.

  5. J. R. Angelos, M. Henry, E. Kaufman, Kroó, T. Lenker,"Local Lipschitz and Strong Unicity Constants for Certain Nonlinear Families," Fifth International Symposium on Approximation Theory, Texas A & M University, January 15, 1986.

  6. J. R. Angelos, M. Henry, E. Kaufman, Kroó, T. Lenker "The Differentiability of the Best Approximation Operator." Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, October 6, 1988.

  7. J. R. Angelos, M. Henry, E. Kaufman, T. Lenker, "Optimal Nodes for Polynomial Interpolation", Sixth International Symposium on Approximation Theory, Texas A & M University, January 12, 1989.

  8. J. R. Angelos, G. Grossman, L. Rakesh, "Effects of Wall Slip During Rheological Measurements on Concentrated Polymers", International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Washington, D.C., July 11, 1991.

  9. J. R. Angelos, "Calculus Reform: What to expect in the Future?" Colloquium, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Alma College, Alma, Michigan, February 6, 1992.

  10. J. R. Angelos, "The Applications and Computations of Nonlinear Approximation in Polymer Rheology" Colloquium on Approximation Theory, Department of Mathematics, The University of Michigan - Flint, Flint, Michigan, May 26, 1992.

  11. J. R. Angelos "CMET Capstone Scholars Program", Michigan Section - MAA & MichMATYC, Saginaw Valley State Univeristy, University Center, Michigan, May 3, 2003.

II.  Grants and Contracts

  1. Professional Growth Appointment Awards, Department of
    Mathematics, Central Michigan University, (1982, 1983, 1985, 1986).

  2. Faculty Research and Creative Endeavors Grants, (#4-22710, $650, October 1985), (#4-22779, $333.50, March 1986, #42481, $379, March 1989).

  3. Research Excellence Fund Grant #62871 for $200,000. Title: Polymer Rheology and Fluid Dynamics. Jointly with Leela Rakesh of the Department of Mathematics, and Stanley Hirschi and Didarul Islam of the Department of Physics.

  4. Dow Chemical Company Grant #63681, to conduct research on Rheological Properties of Filled Polymer Melts. This consists of $15,000 matching gift contribution for laboratory equipment and $12,000 for tuition, stipend, and fees for graduate student support. Jointly with Leela Rakesh and George Grossman of the Department of Mathematics and Stanley Hirschi of the Department of Physics.

  5. Research Excellence Fund Grant for $55,250. Title: Experimental Investigation and Mathematical Simulation of Discrete Relaxation and Time-Temperature Superposition Techniques from Steady and Dynamic Mechanical Data. Jointly with George Grossman, Edwin Kaufman, and Leela Rakesh of the Department of Mathematics and Stanley Hirschi of the Department of Physics.

  6. Research Excellence Fund Grant for $86,260. Title: Synthesis, Characterization, and
    Computer-Aided Stability and Rheological Analysis of Vinylidene Chloride Copolymers of Improved Processing Characteristics. Jointly with B. Howell, Department of Chemistry, S. Hirschi, Department of Physics, and L. Rakesh, Department of Mathmatics.

  7. Research Excellence Fund Grant for $35,840. Title: Polymeric Materials Science and Technology Institute. Jointly with B. Howell, D. Mohanty, Department of Chemistry, S. Hirschi, Department of Physics, L. Rakesh, Department of Mathmatics, and L. Fryda, Department of Industrial Engineering and Technology.

  8. National Science Foundation Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Scholarships Program, $269,992, "Computing, Mathematics, and Engineering Technology Capstone Scholars Program."PI: Richard J. St. Andre, Co-PI: David Williams, Dru Wilson, James Angelos, Michael C. Stinson, December 27, 2000.

  9. National Science Foundation Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Scholarships Program, $398,144, "Computing, Mathematics, and Engineering Technology Capstone Scholars Program."PI: James Angelos, Co-PI: Dru Wilson, Donald Marks, Submitted: February 5, 2003.

  10. National Science Foundation Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Scholarships Program, $398,140, "Computing, Mathematics, and Engineering Technology Capstone Scholars Program."PI: James Angelos, Co-PI: Dru Wilson, Michael Stinson, Submitted: January 28, 2004.

III.  Professional Growth Activities

A.  Curriculum Workshops and Presentations

  1. J. R. Angelos, "Using the HP-28S to Teach Elementary Differentiation", Technological and Curricular Experiments in Calculus, The Eberhard Center of Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, Michigan, February 3, 1990.

  2. J. R. Angelos, "Motivating the Differentiation Rules", Conference on Technology focusing on Graphing and Programmable Calculators in Mathematics, Marriott Astrodome, Houston, Texas, Sponsored by San Jacinto College, June 21, 1991.

  3. J. R. Angelos, Workshop: "Using the HP-48SX in Calculus", College Mathematics: Teaching, Technology, and Applications, The Eberhard Center of Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, Michigan, March 20, 1992.

  4. J. R. Angelos, "Calculus Laboratory Activities", Conference on Technology focusing on Graphing and Programmable Calculators in Mathematics, Hotel Sofitel, Houston, Texas, Sponsored by San Jacinto College, July 25, 1992.

  5. J. R. Angelos,"Introducing Multivariate Calculus Early in the Curriculum", Conference on Technology focusing on Graphing and Programmable Calculators in Mathematics, Hotel Sofitel, Houston, Texas, Sponsored by San Jacinto College, July 23, 1993.

B.  Attendance at Conferences and Workshops

  1. Approximation Theory Workshop, Montana State University, July 27-August 3, 1981.

  2. Fourth International Symposium on Approximation Theory, Texas A & M University, January 10-14, 1983.

  3. The Alfred Haar Memorial Conference, Budapest, Hungary, August 11-17, 1985.

  4. Fifth International Symposium on Approximation Theory, Texas A & M University, January 13-17, 1986.

  5. Mathematical Association of America annual meeting, Michigan Section, 1986-1991.

  6. Sixth International Symposium on Approximation Theory, Texas A & M University, January 9-13, 1989.

  7. Annual Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, The Ohio State University, November 3-5, 1989 and November 9-11, 1990.

  8. Maple Workshop, presented by Professor J. S. Devitt, University of Saskatchewan, held at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo Michigan, November 18-19, 1990.

  9. Technological and Curricular Experiments in Calculus, The Eberhard Center of Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, Michigan, February 3, 1990.

  10. Multigrid Short Course, University of Colorado at Denver, March 25-29, 1991.

  11. Conference on Technology focusing on Graphing and Programmable Calculators in Mathematics, Houston Texas, June 21-22, 1991.

  12. International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Washington, D.C., July 8-12, 1991.

  13. Symposium of Matrix Analysis and Applications, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, October 11-12, 1991.

  14. College Mathematics: Teaching, Technology, and Applications, The Eberhard Center of Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, Michigan, March 20-21, 1992

  15. Conference on Technology focusing on Graphing and Programmable Calculators in Mathematics, Houston Texas, July 24-25, 1992.

  16. Conference on Technology focusing on Graphing and Programmable Calculators in Mathematics, Houston, Texas, July 23-24, 1993.

  17. Project Kaleidoscope Regional Colloquium: Revitalizing Introductory Science and Mathematics Courses, Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin, August 5-7, 1994.

  18. Eighth International Symposium on Approximation Theory, Texas A & M University, January 8-12,1995.

  19. Teaching Mathematics with Technology Institute, CAS-CALC Session, Central Michiagn Univeristy, August 10-15, 1997

  20. Ninth International Symposium on Approximation Theory, Vanderbilt University, January 3-6, 1998.

  21. Michigan Mathematics Summit, Oakland University, June 2000.

  22. Michigan Section - MAA & MichMAYTYC annual meeting, Saginaw Valley State University, May 2-3, 2003.

  23. Principal Investigators for the CSEMS Meeting, Arlington, Virginia, September 11-13, 2003.

  24. Michigan Section - MAA & MichMAYTYC annual meeting, Oakland Univeristy, May 7-8, 2004.

C.  Department Colloquia

  1. "Strong Unicity with Approximation", December 2, 1982.

  2. "Continuity Properties of the Best Approximation Operator", September 29, 1985.

  3. "Some Problems on Spline Projections", November 16, 1989.

  4. "The Visualization of Calculus", September 16, 1993.

  5. "Multivariate Approximation: A sublime Curse", April, 2002.

D.  Graduate Student Seminars

  1. "Methods of Best Approximation", February 9, 1987.

  2. "Interpolation", October 17, 1989.

  3. "Maple Basics", October 20, 1992.

  4. "Alternating Projections, Fixed Points, and Regular Polygons", October 5, 1993.

  5. "Wavelets", December 6, 1994

E.  Refereeing

  1. Five papers for The American Mathematical Monthly.

  2. One paper for the Proceedings of American Mathematical Society.

  3. Four papers for the Journal of Approximation Theory.

  4. Two papers for the Proceedings of the First Great Lakes Computer Science

  5. One paper for Utilitas Mathematica.

  6. One paper for Aequationes Mathematicae.

  7. One paper for Computers & Mathematics with Applications

  8. Submitted abstracts of four of my papers to Zentralblatt für Mathematic.

F.  Reviewing

  1. General review of Applied Mathematics for the Management, Life and Social
    Sciences by Lawrence Spence and Charles Vanden Eynden, Scott, Foresman and Company, 1985.

  2. Review of prospectus for a calculus project for Scott, Foresman and Company.

  3. General review of chapters 1-10 of Calculus with Analytic Geometry by R. Ellis and D. Gullick, fifth edition, Saunders HBJ, 1992.

  4. General review of chapters 6-11 of Calculus, by Larson, Hostetler, and Edwards, fifth edition, D. C. Heath, 1992.

  5. Review of prospectus of numerical analysis text for Harper Collins.

  6. Review of Insights into Calculus: Calculus Projects Using the TI-82 or TI-85 for Harper

  7. Review of Chapters 1-5 of Calculus: Mathematics and Modeling, by Bauldry, et. al. for Addison Wesley.

G.  Membership in Professional Organizations

Memberships in the American Mathematical Society, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, and Mathematical Association of America and an associate member of Sigma Xi. University Service

H.  Department Committees

  1. Executive Committee, 1986-1988, 1992-present, currently serving as Executive Assistant.

  2. Graduate Committee, 1982-1988, 1992-1997, served as graduate coordinator.

  3. Search Committee for new chairperson, 1996-1997, served as chairperson of this committee.

  4. Hiring Committee, 1983-1984, 1990-1991.

  5. Personnel Committee, 1984-1986, 1995-1996

  6. Service Area Coordinator, 1986-1988.

  7. Doctoral Dissertation Research Support Committee, 1995-present, Chaired by William Miles.

  8. Ad Hoc Grievance Policy Committee, 1982-1983.

  9. Ad Hoc Chairman Review Committee, 1985-1986.

I.  University Committees

  1. Degrees, Admissions, Standards, and Honors Committee, 1984-1986. Served as vice-chairman, 1985-1986.

  2. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 1991-1993.

  3. Doctoral Dissertation Research Support Committee, 1995-1999, Chaired by William Miles.

  4. Graduate Policies Committee, Ad Hoc, Fall 1997, Chaired by Gail Scukanec

  5. Doctoral Transfer Credit Policy Committee, Ad Hoc, Fall 1997, Chaired by Kirsten Fleming

  6. Appointed to Formal Hearing Committee by the University Senate Greivance Review Committee, February 14, 2001. Chaired by Paul Natke, Department of Economics.

J.  Professional Service

  1. Steering Committee of the Michigan Calculus Network, 1988-1992. Served as chairman 1989-1991. This is a standing committee of the Michigan Section of the Mathematical Association of America.

  2. Served as a judge of the Chalk Talk Derby at the 26th Annual Math Field Day, Tuesday, February 23, 1993 at the University of Michigan-Flint.

  3. Attended the Michigan Mathematics Summit, Oakland University, June 9-10, 2000. Meeting of department chairpersons from 11 of 15 state universities to discuss common problems and solutions. Held in conjunction with the college of arts and sciences deans from the same universities.

IV.  Other

A.  Sabbatical

One year sabbatical at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, August 1988 to April 1989. Studied spline analysis with Professor Dennis Pence. Thesis Direction, Plan B papers

Thesis direction

Nancy Grant, "Orthogonal Collocation and its application to carrier-facilitated diffusion", Master's Thesis, November, 1991. Plan B Papers
  1. Roufei Hau, "Methods for Fast Matrix Multiplication", May 1987.

  2. Tammy S. Neitzke, "Curvature Comparison of Fritsch-Carlson and Beatson- Wolkowicz Cubic Polynomial Interpolants", July 1994

Thesis Committees

Served doctoral thesis committees:
Thomas Sprague, "Shape Preserving Piecewise Cubic Interpolation", Western Michigan University, August, 1990.
Kevin Dennis, "Co-Hyponoumality of Composition Operators on the Hardy Space", Central Michigan University, March 31, 2000
Carol Seaman, "Students' Use of Spatial Visualization with the Aid of Technology in the Learning of Three-Dimensional Calculus Concepts", July, 2000.
Mark Bollman, "Some Diophantine Equtions Involving Fibonacci Numbers and Consecutive Factorials", August 2001.
Edris Rawashdeh, "Numerical Solutions, Stability Criteria and Applications of Integro-Differential Equtions", October 2002.
Marwan Alquran, "Analytical and Numerical Solution to Continuous Delay Partial Differential Equations", May 2003.
Dissertation Advisor:
Ziyad Al-Sharawi, Nonautonmous Difference Equations.
Served on numerous master thesis committees. document

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